So if you are here reading this then likely you’ve found your way from my Twitter account to this page. I started the Agent ID project as a way to bring the community of Division players I’m a part of there a fun and cool way to show off their characters (or themselves) in a design I created off one of my childhood favorites, G.I. JOE.

This is what inspired it. I used to get G.I. JOE figures as a kid and they and they had these profiles on the back of the box back in the 80s and kids would cut them out and keep them in like a lunch box or even hang them up in their room to show off all the figures they owned. I did all that as a kid. I wanted a way to bring that feeling back, that nostalgia, that sense of comradery with our fellow warriors, and I wanted to do that with all the awesome division fans and players. We are all our own personal G.I. JOES or JANES in game, this is a way to share a bit of that with other players, build community, and make art at the same damn time.

Division Modern – Division Classic – White Tusk – Rogue Agent – Hunter – Outcast – BTSU – LMB – Resurgence – Cleaners – The Hyenas – The Nemesis – True Sons

I’ve tried to make it a functional piece of promotional art. You can promote your socials, your streaming, whatever you want. Put it on a business card, print it out as a photo and laminate it for your cosplay, and still enjoy looking at now and then and sharing it with others. The way I used to collect the old GI JOE file cards as a kid, that’s what I was going for with this project. Agent collector cards. Ultimately I’d love for every Division agent that wants one to have one. That’s why I’ve made the cards free. I’ve spent hundreds of dollars out of my own pocket to bring this site to life and to make this a possibility for division agents around the world to be a part of this community.
Please keep this in mind however that I am just one man. I built all these templates and this website in less than a week but I am no Superman. Each card takes about 5 to 10 minutes to edit the text, add the photo and resize it, pull the QR code for whatever you’ve chosen to promote, screen cap it, put it on the card, and then save down, and email or send through social media. It’s a lot of leg work just to get one person taken care of. I haven’t asked for a dime for any of this but also please be aware that this is a fan project. This isn’t my job. I am doing this in my spare time at no real benefit to myself financially. I’ve added a “Rush Processing” option and a tipping option at checkout. Like I said, I’m out of pocket on all of this. So if you can help, and you appreciate the work I’ve put into this project, love the community and wanna support those who support it, or just find my stupidity amusing, leave me a tip or choose rush processing perhaps. It will go a long way to keeping this site alive and keeping me sane while I pump out thousands of cards for impatient agents!
The truth of it is I love doing projects like this, just for fun. I may end up making a dollar or two on this but that’s not at all why i did it. Sometimes I just have to get my creativity out or it just dies on the vine, so why not do something fun and productive with that energy. And here we are. I am so very grateful for the outpouring of positivity from the Division community over this project. We all are sick of the negativity in this world. Maybe in a tiny way this is a reminder that we are all really on the same team. Despite our differences.. anyway. I’m rambling. Go get your card order in and I’ll see you on the front line agents. Agent Painenn.. signing off. Who am I kidding.. I never sign off.